Biogas – Sustainable Energy for Mozambique
The Problem: Deforestation and Health Risks
In Mozambique, approximately 95% of households rely on polluting cooking fuels such as firewood and charcoal, leading to significant deforestation and environmental degradation. This heavy dependence on biomass fuels contributes to indoor air pollution, which is responsible for an estimated 110 deaths per 100,000 population annually. Women and children are disproportionately affected, as they are primarily responsible for cooking and are thus more exposed to harmful smoke, increasing their risk of respiratory diseases.
The Solution: Household Biogas
Our biogas systems enable households to convert organic waste into clean, renewable energy. This transition reduces the need for firewood and charcoal, thereby decreasing deforestation rates and improving indoor air quality. By adopting biogas, families can mitigate health risks associated with traditional cooking methods and contribute to environmental conservation.
Biogas as an Income Source
Beyond providing a clean cooking solution, biogas offers economic benefits. Households can sell surplus gas or utilize the nutrient-rich slurry as organic fertilizer, enhancing agricultural productivity. This approach not only generates additional income but also promotes sustainable farming practices.
Our Mission
As an independent sales agent for (B)energy biogas systems, Tchambalakte imports and distributes high-quality biogas units throughout Mozambique. Our mission is to advance sustainable energy solutions, reduce reliance on firewood and charcoal, and support energy independence in communities across the country.
Embrace biogas—a step toward a greener and healthier future for Mozambique. Interested? Contact us to join the biogas revolution!